Power and Confidence: How to get both

Everyone wants to look and feel a bit more powerful and confident, even successful people.

What is power – and is it okay to want it?

Real power is benevolent, and necessary. As Rollo May said, “Power is essential for all living things. The word power comes from the Latin posse, meaning ‘to be able.’ No human being can exist for long without some sense of his significance. S/he must be able to feel this ‘I count for something’ and live out of this felt significance.”

Your power is good for you – and good for the world.  One name for learned power is executive presence. And re-kindled confidence is for everyone, not just executives.

What Is Executive Presence? Have you ever noticed how some people – without saying a word – radiate a calm, commanding authority that automatically generates respect and high-performance? You’ve seen it before: when these people walk in a room, everyone sits up a bit straighter, brushes off excuses, and gets down to business. These commanding individuals have a way of being that commands respect, creates top performance, and cements relationships.

How to get both: It’s easy. Imagine yourself practicing very simple tools that make you look and feel confident – despite circumstance. We’ve teach tools to project confidence, and we’ve boiled these down into simple, step-by-step transformational leadership workshop.  And anyone can learn to look confident, even nervous folks who think they are a long way off (they aren’t).

Our Transformational Leadership Experience, formerly known as The Executive Presence Training, teaches tools to radiate similar levels of power, confidence and warm credibility. Doing so creates buy-in and builds solid relationships. Because the power we teach becomes REAL – the effect is not a stiff, manufactured leadership persona. Instead, each participant re-kindles her/his own latent power and develops his/her own unique version of relational executive power. And because the learned power is based in authenticity, people respond favorably. The way that we teach executive presence works. Best Investment Ever.  Voted Top Leadership Partner – Globally – by HR[dot]com.

Cream of the Crop Leaders’ Transformational Leadership Experience (Executive Presence Training) is:

  • For everyone, not just executives
  • Different from other executive presence trainings | Our reviews reflect this
  • Top-Rated by leaders from Facebook and more
  • Transformational – 90% Interactive
  • Hugely personalized; Only 16 participants

Do something different this year – learn how to project confidence.  After all, you bring yourself everywhere you go.  Find out more about our transformational leadership workshops.

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