8 – Is the NEXT GEN Leaders’ youth leadership program only for those who LACK confidence?
The NEXT GEN Leaders’ youth leadership program is for everyone, including young adults and teens with:
- A fair level of confidence. Having decent self-esteem doesn’t necessarily translate into skills for radiating confidence. Sometimes we display behaviors that others perceive as insecurity which can lead us to become overlooked, stalled in our life goals and frustrated.
- A strong level of confidence: Many successful, accomplished people (including adults in our adult confidence workshop aka leadership presence trainings) report huge benefits from this workshop. Many adults say things such as, “I wish I had learned these tools earlier!”
- A low level of confidence: Some participants describe themselves as having low or zero confidence. That’s okay, too. You simply haven’t been taught the tools to anchor into yourself when you’re under pressure. You deserve to look and feel confident, and get respect; it’s your birthright.
These said, please note that while we teach tools to radiate confidence:
- This workshop will NOT fix low self esteem. It does NOT offer psychological tools or mental health treatment of any kind. It will NOT create heroic feelings or unwavering confidence. After all, the human condition includes a wide variety of feelings; moments of or periods of anxiety, self-doubt and wavering confidence happen to all of us. This workshop simply offers 12 tools that help most people anchor into themselves while in the presence of others to radiate confidence, even while feeling nervous. For most participants – and with continued practice – using the tools to radiate confidence gets easier.
- Uncertain Outcomes: Given that everyone is so different – with a unique background and customs – we can’t guarantee any outcomes.
- Our services are NOT facilitated by mental health professional or special needs providers who can recognize symptoms indicating stress or other unwanted symptoms of exacerbated problems.
View this FAQ about confidence, anxiety, mental health and other special needs and accommodations.
View all of our FAQs. If your question isn’t answered, feel feel to contact us.
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