7 – Is it normal to be nervous in Next Gen Leaders’ youth leadership programs?

  • Yes. It seems that almost all teen and young adult participants arrive a bit nervous. This is also true for many successful business leaders in our adult confidence workshops (aka leadership presence workshops) so there’s no need to hide your nervousness when you arrive. Unless you are challenged by significant levels of anxiety, many participants report that their nervousness typically calms down a bit after the first exercise or two. Some of our most transformed participants are those who hemmed and hawed about canceling up to the very last minute, then later felt grateful they took the risk to attend.

Will this workshop create unwavering, heroic feelings of confidence for the rest of my life and guarantee success or that I’ll be chosen for special opportunities?  No. After all, the human condition includes a wide variety of feelings. Periods of anxiety, self-doubt and wavering confidence happen to all of us, even confident, well-adjusted, uber-successful adults. This workshop simply offers 12 tools that help most people anchor into themselves while in the presence of others so that it’s more likely they’ll radiate confidence, even while nervous.

Please read this FAQ about anxiety, other mental health challenges and other special challenges here.

View all of our FAQs. If your question isn’t answered, feel feel to contact us.

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