3 – Cost of NEXT GEN Leader workshops – Pricing

The NEXT GEN Leaders’ workshop is available to pre-established groups only. If you’re looking for a single seat, see this FAQ.

The cost of the NEXT GEN Leaders workshop is dependent upon several variables. Contact us for a complimentary needs assessment; many organizations find this helpful. We’ll quickly assess your situation and provide you with pricing.

Onsite workshop costs can be lowered when your organization provides these at its own cost:

  1. A simple training room + equipment: Nothing fancy is needed. Many companies, community centers, schools or faith organizations offer rooms for free or at low-cost. We need a room without fixed tables that is large enough (usually 1200 square feet or so), with an HDMI television (or LCD projector/screen), video recording and playback capability (we can describe this: an extra laptop with Zoom or an iPhone with a tripod; both with external microphone work well), plus 2 chairs per participant.
  2. AV/IT support throughout the event.
  3. Water/Snacks and (optional) catering: Simple boxed-lunches are inexpensive (Trader Joes, Whole Foods) and allow us to create heart-warming lunchtime activities that create warmth and connection. Providing lunch also reduces participant stress (participants feel renewed rather than stressed after standing in lines). So, we recommend that you provide catering – or require participants to bring a bagged lunch.
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