The Best Online Diversity and Inclusion Trainings, DEI Trainings
The best online diversity and inclusion training options are these:
- Unconscious bias trainings (and ongoing personal work, since our biases never end).
- Executive presence trainings:
- No, not the stuffy kind of executive presence workshops that emphasize a slick, external business persona. Those don’t create confidence or authentic power. On the contrary, they bolster imposter syndromes and deaden the soul.
- Instead, I’m talking about executive presence trainings that offer REAL tools that help people from under-represented groups authentically radiate the confidence and power of a thought leader – so they get the respect and recognition they deserve! Real tools. Not talk.
Don’t believe that executive presence workshops are key to diversity, equity and inclusion?
- For decades, I (Sioux, the founder, here) have had the honor of coaching top leaders from some of our world’s most eminent companies while they’ve participated in transformational leadership trainings I’ve created. And, here’s what I’ve witnessed: VERY little comes close to The Executive Presence Training in its ability to level playing fields and shrink gaps.
- Our participants of ALL colors, all sexual orientations, all genders and from all ethnic groups report that the tools we teach are life-changing. See what these real people say.
- So, while I’m a big fan of conversations about DEI, I’m a BIGGER fan of offering marginalized people real tools that boost advancement.
- Research suggests that some of the tools we teach in our Executive Presence Workshops support us in desirable high-stakes opportunities. See our Leadership Research page.
- Money-Back Guarantee: Try our Executive Presence Workshop as a DEI training for your team with a no-risk money back guarantee. No fine print, this guarantee will be in your service agreement. Our EP Training supports succession planning, too.
My #1 company priority is the equality and empowerment of all human beings. This isn’t just talk. Let me tell you a bit about my commitment to equality and where it came from.
I’m a proud child of a single mother of 4 children. My mother somehow found the time to march in the Detroit ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) rallies of the 70’s and 80’s. Yes, that’s my mother, Barbara, smiling in the photo. I’m sitting here in my office proudly looking at that very sash she wore. Though my mother worked hard, school teachers didn’t make much money in the 70’s. So, my siblings and I grew up rather poor. I remember hopping on the counter scrounging through the cupboards in search of food at the tail end of my mother’s 2-week paycheck cycle (when groceries were slim).
Though our home was clean and we were a close family, divorce was uncommon in the 1970’s. The combination of coming from a lower income home and being raised by a single mother made us outcast in the predominately white, middle-to-upper class community where the lawns were perfect (except ours) and faith-based hypocrisy was thick. We were different. I could sense the judgment of the adults in our neighborhood; I’m sure my mother and siblings also sensed the judgment. Yet, despite others’ perception of our lower status, my mother was a staunch advocate for equality for everyone. She taught us to never utter racist epithets against African American people, or participate in the jokes about other ethnic groups that were so common during my youth. Remember the Polish jokes so freely told? I’m 50% Polish. But, though we were outcast and despite that I’m female, being Caucasian I got off relatively easy in the realm of discrimination and prejudice. People from other groups experience so much more discrimination and marginalization than me.
I feel so fortunate that I had great role models of diversity and inclusion in my life. I believe in the equality of all human beings. And, I am an unabashed feminist.
Diversity, inclusion and equity are REAL priorities for me, not just talk. Let’s level some playing fields and shrink some gaps. Let’s give people best online diversity and inclusion trainings, DEI trainings that help marginalized obtain career advancement and other desirable opportunities.
Please tell me: What is the best diversity and inclusion training you’ve ever encountered? What is the best online diversity and inclusion training you’ve experienced? Also, in your opinion, what are the top diversity training companies? Truly, tell me what you think.
Power for Everyone. My Vision: That all beings remember their full magnificence and benevolent power.
Founder and Course Creator
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