Power for Everyone.™

Looking for these? Environmental Statement or Harassment Policy.

COTC Inc. dba Cream of the Crop Leaders is a provider of transformational learning services and products.

COTC Inc. operates in North America, United States, California. To find out more about the nature of our business, please visit our home page at CreamoftheCropLeaders.com. You may contact us about any issue or event related to these policies via our contact form or email.

Equality and Anti-Slavery Statement

We believe in the equality and equal treatment of all people.

In order to facilitate the services that we provide, we work with a range of suppliers. These include marketing, accounting, facilities, special service experts and IT service providers. We are committed to ensuring there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain or in any part of our business. Our policies as stated below reflect our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and our effort in implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within our supply chain.

Codes and policies

As part of our commitment to combating modern slavery and fairness, we have implemented codes of: ethics, conduct, equity, anti-harassment and anti-harassment.

We also make sure our suppliers are aware of our codes and adhere to the same high standards.

Together these codes help our employees and business partners understand what we mean by modern slavery and labor standards assurance and outline our approach to managing associated risks. They encourage employees and business partners to look for and raise red flags. These policies have been developed by and reviewed by members of our leadership.

Due diligence

As part of our efforts to monitor and reduce the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring within our supply chains, we have adopted the following due diligence procedures, new suppliers are subject to due diligence checks. If issues are identified during the due diligence process, appropriate measures are taken.

Anti Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement COTC Inc. dba Cream of the Crop Leaders

Our procedures are designed to:

  • Establish and assess areas of potential risk in our business and supply chains
  • Monitor potential risk areas in our business and supply chains
  • Reduce the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our business and supply chains
  • Provide adequate protection for whistleblowers

Risk and Compliance

COTC Inc. supplies services to both small and large businesses, and individuals. Be that as it may, we do not consider that we operate in high-risk sectors or locations because we do not have a large or complicated supply chain and our suppliers are typically valued well-established service providers such as cloud service providers, research companies, lawyers, accountants and other consultants.

If we find evidence of a failure to comply with our policies, we will immediately seek to terminate our relationship with the relevant supplier.


We invest in educating our staff and our customers about the equality of all people (Power for Everyone), the importance of treating every human being with respect, the risks and cost of harassment and trafficking in our world and in our business and supply chains. We encourage, expect and will support full reporting if any of these are suspected in our business and supply chains.

Further actions and sign-off

Following our review of our actions this year to prevent slavery or human trafficking from occurring in our business or supply chains, we intend to continue to seek assurances from suppliers that their and their supply chains comply with this policy and review our own policies periodically.

Environmental Statement

Cream of the Crop Leaders is committed to protecting the environment, the health and safety of our employees, and the community in which we conduct our business. It is our policy to seek continual improvement throughout our business operations to lessen our impact on the local and global environment by conserving energy, water and other natural resources; reducing waste generation; recycling and; reducing our use of toxic materials. We are committed to environmental excellence and pollution prevention, meeting or exceeding all environmental regulatory requirements, and to purchasing products which have greater recycled content with lower toxicity and packaging, that reduce the use of natural resources.

COTC Inc. dba Cream of the Crop Leaders

If you need to access any of these policies in an alternative format due to having a disability, please email us (i-n-fo—-at-cream-of-the-crop-leaders-dot-com).

Harassment Policy


Harassment: Cream of the Crop Leaders (COTC Inc., hereinafter referred to as Company) is committed to providing an environment for our members, directors, officers, employees, volunteers and persons served by the Company (“Covered Persons”) that is comfortable, safe and free from harassment of any kind. Any type of harassment is a violation of this policy and may be illegal.

  1. Definition

Harassment can take many forms. It may be, but is not limited to, the following: words, signs, jokes, pranks, intimidation, physical contact, or violence. Harassment does not have to be sexual in nature. Sexual harassment may include unwelcome sexual advances; requests for sexual favors; or other verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature when such conduct creates an intimidating environment or prevents an individual from effectively performing the duties of his or her position, or when such conduct is made a condition of employment or compensation, either implicitly or explicitly. It is not the intent of the behavior by the offender that determines if harassment has occurred but whether the behavior is welcome by the receiver.

  1. Responsibility

A covered person is responsible for helping keep our work environment free of harassment, including the work environment of Company’s Clients with whom you have contact. If you become aware of an incident of harassment, whether by witnessing the incident or being told of it, you must report it to our CEO or any W-2 employee (not contractor) with whom you feel comfortable. When the Company becomes aware of harassment, it is obligated by law to take prompt and appropriate action, regardless of whether the victim wants the company to do so.

  1. Complaint Procedure

Any Covered Person, who believes that he or she has suffered harassment in violation of the Harassment Policy, should take the following action:

  1. If you are able to do so without conflict or danger, tell the harasser as clearly as possible that the behavior is unwelcome;
  2. If you feel that your supervisor or person to whom you report is not taking the complaint seriously, Covered Person may report such to the CEO. Upon receiving such Complaint, Person or Department will investigate the complaint and recommend to The Board appropriate steps, including corrective disciplinary action, that should be taken to secure and maintain an environment free of any form of harassment. Such person will report to the Company’s Board of Directors and the person filing the complaint, the action that has been taken, and if no action has been taken, the reason for no action.
  3. Confidentiality

The Company, including all persons to whom a violation of this Harassment Policy has been reported and persons who have become aware of a complaint, must maintain confidentiality, to the extent possible given the need to investigate. All complaints shall be considered confidential to the maximum extent possible.

  1. Retaliation

The Company, or any director, officer, or employee may not retaliate against any victim, or witness, who reports a violation of this Harassment Policy. Any person who believes that he or she has been retaliated against should consult the Organization’s Whistle-Blowing Policy or a Company official.

COTC Inc. dba Cream of the Crop Leaders

A: 19201 Sonoma Highway, #190, Sonoma, CA 95476

P: 1 (seven o seven) 9-3-9-8.1 – 8.1

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