NEXT GEN Leaders
A Youth Leadership Program

Confidence Workshop for Young Adults + Teens | 90% Interactive

Youth Leadership

2 Ways
to Buy

  • “At the beginning of the course, I did not feel powerful or confident. I’ve completely been able to change my outlook on life and myself. I’ve found that I am a confident and powerful person that’s worth being loved.”  

    Jade C.
  • “After all this time, I still feel the benefits of your Cream of the Crop Leaders’ training. I feel more assertive, confident and accomplished within myself. I feel solid.”

    Maddie D.
  • “I am so thankful and grateful that I did this course. It changed my life. Thank you so much for not only boosting my confidence but giving me a better and stronger outlook on myself and life.”

    Madeline D.
  • "In the past, I was always wiggly - at a loss as how to orient myself. But now I know how engage with others in a way that allows me to be seen in my full potential."

    Spencer C.
  •   The development of confidence in my students was truly remarkable!  Something that all people should do!

  • You have helped me feel like a powerful, confident and important person. I can speak up now without hesitating.

  • The workshop is awesome. I finally know how to be confident.

  • I absolutely loved this workshop!

  • This workshop was really helpful because I tend to get nervous! This workshop just took all of that away. Now I feel powerful, more confident.

  • This workshop helped me feel confident. It’s so much fun.

  • This workshop really means a lot to me - and helped me build up my confidence.

  • It gave me 100% confidence.

  • Very Powerful.

  • Truly helped me a lot.

  • "My ability to look and actually feel confident was profoundly changed through my participation in Cream of the Crop Leaders’ confidence training."

Live Onsite or Live Virtual

ONSITE: Your group, Your location





Top-Rated Youth Leadership Program

90% interactive. 

For: Young Adults + Teens

What is It? Highly unique, participants of these youth development programs practice 12 simple yet powerful tools to radiate confidence. Each receives ample personalized feedback to remove insecurity indicators and anchor into their natural confidence. Confidence affects everything.

  • Authenticity based. Power for Everyone.
  • Small groups (max 16 Onsite; max 12 Live Virtual).
  • Personalized feedback for each participant.
  • Simple, effective tools to look confident.
  • Everyone begins rooting for each other; wait until you see this!
  • Each participant practices using a real life scenario in which they’d like to get respect and buy-in.
  • Fascinating: Learn which behaviors lead people to appear confident or insecure.
  • The same tools work for presenting as confident while interacting with one person – such as a key decision maker – or an entire group of people.
  • Unleash Your Powerhouse. It’s Time to Shine.


  • “At the beginning of the course, I did not feel powerful or confident. I’ve completely been able to change my outlook on life and myself. I’ve found that I am a confident and powerful person that’s worth being loved.”  

    Jade C.
  • “After all this time, I still feel the benefits of your Cream of the Crop Leaders’ training. I feel more assertive, confident and accomplished within myself. I feel solid.”

    Maddie D.
  • “I am so thankful and grateful that I did this course. It changed my life. Thank you so much for not only boosting my confidence but giving me a better and stronger outlook on myself and life.”

    Madeline D.
  • "In the past, I was always wiggly - at a loss as how to orient myself. But now I know how engage with others in a way that allows me to be seen in my full potential."

    Spencer C.
  •   The development of confidence in my students was truly remarkable!  Something that all people should do!

  • You have helped me feel like a powerful, confident and important person. I can speak up now without hesitating.

  • The workshop is awesome. I finally know how to be confident.

  • I absolutely loved this workshop!

  • This workshop was really helpful because I tend to get nervous! This workshop just took all of that away. Now I feel powerful, more confident.

  • This workshop helped me feel confident. It’s so much fun.

  • This workshop really means a lot to me - and helped me build up my confidence.

  • It gave me 100% confidence.

  • Very Powerful.

  • Truly helped me a lot.

  • "My ability to look and actually feel confident was profoundly changed through my participation in Cream of the Crop Leaders’ confidence training."

Shiny gold coin depicting Power for Everyone for the top-rated leadership development workshops by Cream of the Crop Leaders

Youth Leadership Programs

Confident group of teens and young adults possibly after attending teen confidence workshop or young adult youth leadership programs or youth development programs.

Learn more in these FAQs: Normal to be nervousSpecial Needs – All FAQs. Feel free to contact us if your questions aren’t answered.

Power is good. Learn about us and how we view power.


NEXT GEN Leaders' Youth Leadership Programs

The NEXT GEN Leaders’ youth development programs are based on our top-rated adult confidence workshops, yet are customized for young adults and teens; ages 14 – 20 (some age exceptions can be made).

OUTCOMES reported by participants with ongoing practice:

  • Forever knowledge of which behaviors increase perceptions of confidence, and which detract from a confident presentation.
  • Increased feelings of confidence when interacting with individuals and presenting in front of groups.
  • Tool box with 12 simple yet powerful tools to present oneself in the best possible light.
  • Improved ability to get buy-in from key decision makers such as supervisors, college and high-school professionals, and more.
  • Relief of knowing how to anchor into one’s authentic confidence even in moments of fear, pressure or circumstance.
  • Consideration for selection for special opportunities by presenting as the cream of the crop.
  • Present more authentically: Participants in these special youth development program workshops report that use of our confidence tools helps them relax into their authentic presence; nothing feels better.
  • Show up as a NEXT GEN Leader: Our world needs powerful teens and young adults.

Will this workshop create unwavering, heroic feelings of confidence for the rest of my life and guarantee success or special opportunities?  No. After all, the human condition includes a wide variety of feelings. Periods of anxiety, self-doubt and wavering confidence happen to all of us, even confident, well-adjusted, uber-successful adults. This workshop simply offers 12 tools that help most people anchor into themselves while in the presence of others so that it’s more likely they’ll radiate confidence, even while nervous. For most participants – and with continued practice – using the tools to radiate confidence gets easier. Yet, this workshop will NOT fix low self esteem. It does not offer psychological tools or mental health treatment of any kind and it isn’t facilitated by mental health providers. And, since each participant has a unique background, there are no guaranteed outcomes.

Shiny gold coin depicting Power for Everyone for the top-rated leadership development workshops by Cream of the Crop Leaders

Youth Leadership Programs

Young adults in modern office environment collaborating during confidence building programs for young adults and teen confidence workshop

We’re different from most youth development programs.

  • Authenticity based.
  • Team building.
  • 90% interactive: Learn by Doing™
See What Participants Say


Unique Youth Leadership Program Methods

90% interactive. Learn by Doing™ is our instructional credo. 

Methods: Each participant practices 12 simple tools to radiate confidence – despite fear or circumstance in these ways:

  • Solo Practice – Each participant receives ample personalized feedback.
  • Pair Practice (pairs rotate) – This creates close connections.
  • Facilitator Feedback.
  • Peer Feedback – We teach a balanced feedback method.
  • Video Feedback (select workshops)

Healthy risk-taking is key to transformation. After all, if we’re in our comfort zone, we’re not learning.

In a safe and supportive atmosphere, participants take risks through practicing our trademark tools to anchor into their authentic power and to radiate a confident presence.


  • “At the beginning of the course, I did not feel powerful or confident. I’ve completely been able to change my outlook on life and myself. I’ve found that I am a confident and powerful person that’s worth being loved.”  

    Jade C.
  • “After all this time, I still feel the benefits of your Cream of the Crop Leaders’ training. I feel more assertive, confident and accomplished within myself. I feel solid.”

    Maddie D.
  • “I am so thankful and grateful that I did this course. It changed my life. Thank you so much for not only boosting my confidence but giving me a better and stronger outlook on myself and life.”

    Madeline D.
  • "In the past, I was always wiggly - at a loss as how to orient myself. But now I know how engage with others in a way that allows me to be seen in my full potential."

    Spencer C.
  •   The development of confidence in my students was truly remarkable!  Something that all people should do!

  • You have helped me feel like a powerful, confident and important person. I can speak up now without hesitating.

  • The workshop is awesome. I finally know how to be confident.

  • I absolutely loved this workshop!

  • This workshop was really helpful because I tend to get nervous! This workshop just took all of that away. Now I feel powerful, more confident.

  • This workshop helped me feel confident. It’s so much fun.

  • This workshop really means a lot to me - and helped me build up my confidence.

  • It gave me 100% confidence.

  • Very Powerful.

  • Truly helped me a lot.

  • "My ability to look and actually feel confident was profoundly changed through my participation in Cream of the Crop Leaders’ confidence training."

Shiny gold coin depicting Power for Everyone for the top-rated leadership development workshops by Cream of the Crop Leaders

Youth Leadership Programs

Onsite Events: Room + Equipment

For Onsite events, the room and equipment requirements are fairly simple (we’ll walk you through them):

  • Standard room; no fixed tables
  • HDMI television or LCD/screen (to project the deck slides)
  • 2 chairs per person + 1 additional chair
  • Audio hookup (so laptop sounds are audible)
  • Video recording system (extra laptop with Zoom can work)
  • AV/IT support
  • These provided by your organization
Contact Us


NEXT GEN Leaders' Youth Leadership Programs

For Your Established Group (for single seats read this)

Recommendation: Because we’re a small company committed to transformational outcomes, we provide our services thoughtfully. Therefore, our availability is limited. If interested, we recommend getting on our calendar soon; we’ll try to ‘soft hold’ your tentative dates. Contact us: We’ll screen share our course models, answer questions and learn about your vision for a transformational youth development program.

  • Ages 14 – 20; some age exceptions can be made; more via this FAQ.
  • Genders: Mixed or one-gender groups; more about genders, same FAQ.
  • Combo Workshops comprised of adults + teens/young adults: Exciting workshop combinations include (1) adult leaders from youth based organizations combined with teen/young adult staff members and (2) parents + their teen/young adult children. In these cases, all participants are equally active and practice the same tools. For more about Combo Workshops, see the same FAQ.
  • Observers are discouraged as this detracts from participants’ willingness to take risks practicing the tools. Therefore, adults may obtain a seat, role-model healthy risk-taking, and enjoy active participation.

Onsite Delivery (your location)

  • Seats up to 16 (12 is the sweet spot, but 16 works well)
  • Length: 2 days, concurrent. Example: Thursday May 1 + Friday May 2.

Live Virtual Delivery (Zoom)

  • We offer the same top-rated youth development programs through Live Virtual facilitation.
  • Seats up to 12
  • Length: Three 4.5 hour days in the same week. Example: Monday – May 5, Wednesday – May 7 and Friday – May 9: Each from 12:00 Noon – 4:30 pm.


Shiny gold coin depicting Power for Everyone for the top-rated leadership development workshops by Cream of the Crop Leaders

Youth Leadership Programs

SAMPLES of Workshop Materials

NEXT GEN Leaders' Participant Workbook

Your Logo goes on these premiere materials with a Forever License!

Facilitator Guide cover used in youth leadership programs and youth development programs by Cream of the Crop Leaders.
Image of participant workbook for youth leadership programs and youth development programs by Cream of the Crop Leaders.
Back cover of playbook used in youth leadership programs and youth development programs by Cream of the Crop Leaders.

Facilitator Materials (Easy-to-Follow)

Your Logo on these premiere materials with a Forever License

Multicolored circle image showing tools used in youth leadership programs and youth development programs by Cream of the Crop Leaders.
Image of sample Deck slides for youth leadership programs and youth development programs by Cream of the Crop Leaders.
Facilitator Guide inner cover used in youth leadership programs and youth development programs by Cream of the Crop Leaders.


Full Pricing Table  |  NEXT GEN Leaders


We facilitate once


SINGLE License







$39k for BOTH

# of Youth Trained

16 max


No annual fees. No user caps.


No annual fees. No user caps.

Cost per leader 

for 16 leaders

$750 pp

for 12 leaders

$362 pp

for first five workshops

then $0 pp forever

$244 pp

for first ten Onsite workshops

then $0 pp forever

YOUR Logo on materials


Who Facilitates?

We do

We facilitate the first at no additional cost ($12K value), then your team facilitates

We facilitate the first* at no additional cost ($12k value), then your team facilitates (*your choice: either Onsite or Virtual)


Two concurrent days

Your choice:

Two concurrent days - or stagger components to create a longer program

Your choice:

Two concurrent days - or stagger components to create a longer program


We facilitate once


SINGLE License







 $39K for BOTH

# of Youth Trained

12 max


No annual fees. No user caps.


No annual fees. No user caps.

Cost per leader 

for 12 leaders

$833 pp

for 12 leaders

$400 pp

for first five workshops

then $0 pp forever

$244 pp

for first ten Onsite workshops or $325 pp Virtual)

then $0 pp forever

YOUR Logo on materials


Who Facilitates?

We do

We facilitate the first at no additional cost ($12K value), then your team facilitates

We facilitate the first* at no additional cost ($12k value), then your team facilitates (*your choice: either Onsite or Virtual)


Three 4-hour days (ex: M-W-F)

Your choice:

Three 4-hour days - or stagger components to create a longer program

Your choice:

Three 4-hour days - or stagger components to create a longer program

Are you an organization or sponsor that supports disadvantaged groups? This matters to us. Let us know about your needs. 

Power for Everyone™

QUICK COMPARE Standard vs. Licensure

Quick-Compare Standard vs. License  |  NEXT GEN Leaders

Standard Facilitation



$687 pp




$750 pp










  • Recurring Revenue options

  • No annual fees or user caps

  • $0 pp FOREVER after $362-$400 pp for first five workshops



Onsite + Virtual



SAVES $14k

  • Recurring Revenue options

  • Train unlimited youth

  • YOUR logo on materials

  • No annual fees

  • No user caps

  • $0 pp forever after $244-$325 pp for the first ten workshops


Shiny gold coin depicting Power for Everyone for the top-rated leadership development workshops by Cream of the Crop Leaders

Youth Leadership Programs


Confidence opens doors.  The tools taught in this youth development program can open doors in personal, social, academic and early-career situations.

Research Suggests that a sense of power:

  • Lead us to approach rather than avoid challenges – and approaching leads us to feel more confident, optimistic – and happier.
  • Improves performance.
  • Improves the part of our brain that makes decisions.
  • Improves the ability to self-regulate (so important for today’s youth).
  • Increases authentic feelings of power-confidence.
  • Enhances creativity.
  • Boosts authenticity.

See the research for yourself. 

  • “At the beginning of the course, I did not feel powerful or confident. I’ve completely been able to change my outlook on life and myself. I’ve found that I am a confident and powerful person that’s worth being loved.”  

    Jade C.
  • “After all this time, I still feel the benefits of your Cream of the Crop Leaders’ training. I feel more assertive, confident and accomplished within myself. I feel solid.”

    Maddie D.
  • “I am so thankful and grateful that I did this course. It changed my life. Thank you so much for not only boosting my confidence but giving me a better and stronger outlook on myself and life.”

    Madeline D.
  • "In the past, I was always wiggly - at a loss as how to orient myself. But now I know how engage with others in a way that allows me to be seen in my full potential."

    Spencer C.
  •   The development of confidence in my students was truly remarkable!  Something that all people should do!

  • You have helped me feel like a powerful, confident and important person. I can speak up now without hesitating.

  • The workshop is awesome. I finally know how to be confident.

  • I absolutely loved this workshop!

  • This workshop was really helpful because I tend to get nervous! This workshop just took all of that away. Now I feel powerful, more confident.

  • This workshop helped me feel confident. It’s so much fun.

  • This workshop really means a lot to me - and helped me build up my confidence.

  • It gave me 100% confidence.

  • Very Powerful.

  • Truly helped me a lot.

  • "My ability to look and actually feel confident was profoundly changed through my participation in Cream of the Crop Leaders’ confidence training."

Are these workshops just for those without confidence?

The NEXT GEN Leaders’ youth leadership program is for everyone, including young adults and teens with:

  • A fair level of confidence. Having decent self-esteem doesn’t necessarily translate into skills for radiating confidence. Sometimes we display behaviors that others perceive as insecurity which can lead us to become overlooked, stalled in our life goals and frustrated.
  • A strong level of confidence: Many successful, accomplished people (including adults in our adult confidence workshop aka leadership presence trainings) report huge benefits from this workshop. Many adults say things such as, “I wish I had learned these tools earlier!”
  • A low level of confidence: Some participants describe themselves as having low or zero confidence. That’s okay, too. You simply haven’t been taught the tools to anchor into yourself when you’re under pressure. You deserve to look and feel confident, and get respect; it’s your birthright.

These said, please note that while we teach tools to radiate confidence:

  • This workshop will NOT fix low self esteem. It does NOT offer psychological tools or mental health treatment of any kind. It will NOT create heroic feelings or unwavering confidence. After all, the human condition includes a wide variety of feelings; moments of or periods of anxiety, self-doubt and wavering confidence happen to all of us.
  • This workshop simply offers 12 tools that help most people anchor into themselves while in the presence of others to radiate confidence, even while feeling nervous. Most participants report that with continue practice, using the tools to radiate confidence gets easier.

“THE RULES FOR WORK ARE CHANGING. WE’RE BEING JUDGED BY A NEW YARDSTICK:  Not just by how smart we are or by our training or expertise, but also by how well we handle ourselves and each other. This yardstick is increasingly applied in choosing who will be hired and who will not, who will be let go and who retained, who passed over and who promoted.”

 Daniel Goleman, Ph.D., Psychologist, author, and expert on social-emotional intelligence

  • “At the beginning of the course, I did not feel powerful or confident. I’ve completely been able to change my outlook on life and myself. I’ve found that I am a confident and powerful person that’s worth being loved.”  

    Jade C.
  • “After all this time, I still feel the benefits of your Cream of the Crop Leaders’ training. I feel more assertive, confident and accomplished within myself. I feel solid.”

    Maddie D.
  • “I am so thankful and grateful that I did this course. It changed my life. Thank you so much for not only boosting my confidence but giving me a better and stronger outlook on myself and life.”

    Madeline D.
  • "In the past, I was always wiggly - at a loss as how to orient myself. But now I know how engage with others in a way that allows me to be seen in my full potential."

    Spencer C.
  •   The development of confidence in my students was truly remarkable!  Something that all people should do!

  • You have helped me feel like a powerful, confident and important person. I can speak up now without hesitating.

  • The workshop is awesome. I finally know how to be confident.

  • I absolutely loved this workshop!

  • This workshop was really helpful because I tend to get nervous! This workshop just took all of that away. Now I feel powerful, more confident.

  • This workshop helped me feel confident. It’s so much fun.

  • This workshop really means a lot to me - and helped me build up my confidence.

  • It gave me 100% confidence.

  • Very Powerful.

  • Truly helped me a lot.

  • "My ability to look and actually feel confident was profoundly changed through my participation in Cream of the Crop Leaders’ confidence training."

Five confident young leaders in a group, depicting possible effects of confidence tools that can be found in youth leadership programs

Confidence affects everything.

View research about power and confidence.

What is a Forever License?

Train unlimited young adults and teens FOREVER

at only 2.5x the cost for us to facilitate once


YOUR logo on materials


Recurring Revenue options, too.

Shiny gold coin depicting Power for Everyone for the top-rated leadership development workshops by Cream of the Crop Leaders

Youth Leadership Programs

Cultural Messages that Don't Help

Messages about Males

Many young men want to take charge and share authentically. Yet, males are subject to confidence-eroding societal messages. Advertisements that reflect society’s definition of “masculinity” focus on perfectly stoic facial expressions and tough personas. Maintaining this aura of impenetrability confuses young men, since it is in opposition to the natural human experience, creates stress, and prohibits the kind of connected, healthy relationships that are key to a successful, joyful and meaningful life.*

When young men and teenage boys* aren’t aligned with their natural confidence, they may rely on bravado/bluster and accompanying destructive behavior patterns, including*:

  • Power over others rather than power within themselves
  • Power without connection or vulnerability
  • Gangs and bullying
  • Drugs and substance abuse
  • Anxiety and depression

*These are generalizations. Of course, each of these can also occur with teens and young adults who identify as female. While our youth leadership programs won’t fix these, they might help a bit.

Messages about Females

History shows that females are natural leaders. Studies show that some girls begin to lose their confidence in pre-teen years; when this happens, a girl moves away from demonstrating her natural strength and unapologetically demonstrating her leadership tendencies in favor of greater passivity and excessive concerns about her appearance. Holding back power can slow or prevent health, goal-oriented action that is essential for building a successful, joyful and meaningful life.*

Societal messages that criticize girls and young women* as “conceited” if confident or “bossy” if leader-like can result in girls and young women holding back their natural confidence and/or developing maladaptive behaviors such as*:

  • Eating Disorders: Some studies show that 78% of girls under 17 are unhappy with their bodies
  • Girl Bullying: Catty behavior and social exclusion
  • Substance abuse
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Habits of avoiding challenges

*These are generalizations, of course; each of these can also occur with teens and young adults who identify as male. While our youth leadership programs won’t fix these, they might help a bit.

Will NEXT GEN Leaders’ youth development programs prevent maladaptive behavior or cure the unwanted effects of limiting societal messages? No, but they might help a bit.

See these FAQs:

Shiny gold coin depicting Power for Everyone for the top-rated leadership development workshops by Cream of the Crop Leaders

Youth Leadership Programs