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Executive Presence aka Business Confidence Workshop

Cream of the Crop Leaders’ CEO is in the news again regarding Executive Presence aka Business Confidence Workshops. Let’s help women (and everyone) shrink the gap.

From Madame Noire, August 24, 2015 (abstract):

Many women have monsters — i.e. fears — lurking under their professional beds which keep them from achieving success. The good news is, like kids who outgrow their fear of the dark and what goes bump in the night, you don’t have to remain fearful of the business boogeyman forever.

“Women have been taught to constrict themselves and hide their power; both can create an apologetic, nervous stance that is neither good for women nor the world,” explains Sioux Messinger, CEO of “The good news is that research  shows that confidence can be learned, learned confidence (called executive presence in the business world) becomes authentic, and these learned power tools improve one’s chance of advancement and shrink the gender gap.”

But you can rid yourself of these monsters and the first step is to toss “I’m sorry” out of your vocab. “Stop apologizing,” advises Messinger. “Notice your automatic tendency to say sorry (or variations like ‘excuse me’ or ‘do you mind’ or ‘I’m not sure, but…’). If you’d like, you can create a list on your smartphone in order to see how often you apologize for your existence and innocuous actions.” Of course, when you do make a mistake, own it. “Apologize only when you’ve truly done something wrong (in which case, it’s beautiful to apologize),” adds Messinger.

Secondly, take up space. Yes, space. Women have a tendency to try not to take up a lot of space– men do the opposite (think of the manspread on subway seats). “Take your rightful space.  Expand your physical presence when sitting or standing. You don’t have to splay it all out there, but resist the urge to stand with heels close to each other, or hold your upper arms close to your body. You have a right to be on this planet. Take your rightful space,” Messinger explains [and we explain this further in our executive presence trainings, aka business confidence workshop].

Read the full article at: htp://

Interested in our highly-interactive 2-3 day business confidence workshop, The Executive Presence Training?  Each participant also practices physical and non-verbal techniques to appear confident, powerful and credible.  Cream of the Crop Leaders’ Executive Presence Trainings and Executive Presence for Women trainings are Top Rated for a Reason.  They work.

Cream of the Crop Leaders was in the news again.

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