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Transformational Sales Trainings – Motivate Your Sales Team

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Want a sales team of pit bulls who won’t let off the leg?  Then, stop motivating your sales team already. Relentless pushing isn’t the most effective motivational technique; it’s just an old worn sales training habit. Hammerin’ away at an unmotivated salesperson is like trying to yank a thousand-pound bull from plush, grassy fields. Plus, all that pressure on you isn’t good for the old coronary.

What you want is a team that is primed to go all the time, ready to dive off the platform the moment the whistle blows.  You want to create a top sales team that is driven internally. Achieve this and your team will soar – while you have your legs propped up on the desk.

Think about the times you were most persistent, the times when nothing could stop you.  In these times, you unequivocally decided that you’d reach the goal – no matter what.  Yours was an inside game, no bull-dozing sales director required. Indeed,  you were internally motivated, ready to jump hurdles, taunting the challenge.

You’re beginning to see the picture clearly: you want to each member of your sales force to become motivated internally.  How do you do it?  That’s the big question. And the answer relates to thought habits.

To begin: Let’s examine what goes on inside the head of a determined and successful human being. Simply put, determined people have strong thinking habits; their thoughts do not derail them. Wharton Business School, widely regarded as one of the leading business schools, researched a fascinating related phenomenon: Why is it that individuals with the most talent are not always the most successful?  Wharton’s research suggests that it’s an employee’s mindset to overcome challenges that separates the top performers from the dead wood.  Top performers approach rather than avoid challenges – and they do so over and over again, despite frustration, rejection or boredom.  

A challenge-approach mindset is the key.  If a challenge-approach mindset is what you want to instill within members of your sales team, how is this done?  We teach thinking habits of top performers in The Transformational Leadership Experience and we do so in two steps.  Step One: Participants first identify precisely which of his or her personal thinking habits create fear, malaise or the feelings that impel avoidance. This in itself is huge.  Identification of one’s dream-robbing automatic negative thoughts is Gold!  After all, thoughts create feelings, then feelings drive action – or inaction. Thoughts have powerful implications for sales, productivity and also our happiness, so we best not let them yammer on unguided.  Step 2: Participants then learn to flip these pernicious avoidance habits into challenge-approach thinking habits used by top performers (and contented, self-directed people).

Here’s the best part – flipping these automatic malaise-inducing patterns makes us feel invincible. Returning to our “inside job” concept, your sales team will want to continue these challenge-approach thinking patterns because doing so makes them feel Wonderful. Unstoppable. Powerful. Beautiful. And, who doesn’t want to be their full, magnificent self?

So, stop motivating your sales team from the outside.  Instead, do them a favor and help your own organization at the same time.  Teach your employees how to motivate themselves and stay determined – and how to want to do both.  Teach them thinking habits of top-performers.  Offer them a new type of sales training.

Oh! Did we mention that thinking habits of top-performers is only one of the 12 tools participants learn in our highly-interactive transformational sales trainings? Each participant also practices physical and non-verbal techniques to appear confident, powerful and credible.  Of course, a commanding presence will boost sales.  Inherently team building, polished yet fun, Cream of the Crop Leaders’ transformational sales trainings and Executive Presence for Women trainings are Top Rated for a Reason.  They work.

Contact us to arrange an transformational sales training onsite or virtual.   Available Worldwide.

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